My Services

• 2 Prenatal Appointments

• Labor + Birth Attendance

• 2 Postpartum Visits

• Referrals to local and online resources

• Unlimited text and call support

During your prenatal appointments we will dive into a discussion about what a safe, satisfactory birth looks like to you, and draft a birth plan based off that. We will also formulate strategies on how to alleviate emotional and physical stress before, during, and after labor.

Starting at week 37 of your pregnancy, I will be on call for your birth. I will come join you during active labor wherever you decide to have your baby, and stay by your side until well after baby is born. Physical and emotional support in this stage includes assistance with pain relief, relaxation and coping strategies, providing nourishment and backup for others in your support team, advocating for you and amplifying your desires, facilitating informed decision-making, communicating with loved ones outside the birthing place, taking pictures, and much more.

During your two postpartum visits I will visit you in person to discuss your birth story and address any questions or concerns you may have.

You will have access to my resource library, where I list local and online classes, support groups, hospitals and birthing centers, specialists, informational resources, and more!

Before, during, and well after your birth, I offer unlimited text and call support. From “Baby is coming, it’s time to go!”, to sending a picture and asking “Is this normal?”, to “Hey, I’m feeling emotional right now. Can we talk?”- I’m here for you!

My Fees

(For those of you coming from Gateway Doulas, this section does not apply to you. You will receive my services pro bono)

In an effort to make my services more accessible, I do things a bit differently than other doulas. I charge on a three-tiered sliding scale based on whether clients can meet their basic needs. These prices reflect the services I provide, as well as my own training and experience. Please take time to fully read the description for each tier and take into consideration what resources you have (including the financial support of family members, partners, or friends if such support is available) before determining which tier you qualify for. I use this pricing system to grant access to those who might not have this opportunity otherwise, and so that I can be paid fairly for my work and meet my own needs. Misuse of the system may result in loss of access for others.

Please note that you must schedule an initial interview with me in order to hire me as your doula.

Tier One - $800

The true cost of my services.

You are eligible for this tier if you…

  • can comfortably meet all of your basic* needs

  • may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs

  • own your home or property OR rent a higher-end property

  • own or lease a car

  • are employed or do not need to work to meet your needs

  • have regular access to health care

  • have access to financial savings

  • have an expendable** income

  • can always buy new items

  • can afford an annual vacation or take time off

Tier Two - $600

You are eligible for this tier if you…

  • might stress about meeting your basic* needs but still regularly achieve them

  • have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs

  • own or lease a car

  • are employed

  • have access to health care

  • might have access to financial savings

  • have some expendable** income

  • are able to buy some new items & thrift others

  • can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden

Tier Three - $400

You are eligible for this tier if you…

  • frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them

  • have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting your basic needs

  • rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing

  • do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but are not always able to afford gas

  • are unemployed or underemployed

  • qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care

  • have no access to savings

  • have no or very limited expendable income

  • rarely buy new items because you are unable to afford them

  • cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden

* basic needs include food, housing, health care, and transportation.

**expendable income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc.

My rubric is based off of the Worts and Cunning Apothecary model.

Questions or concerns? Please reach out to me! I want to meet you where you are.